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Showing posts from October, 2005
Sometimes life is exhausting . Even when it is good, it is exhausting. Some new additions: a super-duper mega-great zoom lens for my camera. I’m thinking of taking photography classes. You know, in my spare time. Sagan.
So tomorrow is a special day. It is John’s birthday. It will be the first time I get to be with him on his birthday, the first of many. It is probably no surprise that I think John is wonderful. He is very smart and funny and a tiny bit crazy -- crazy enough to think I’m great, for instance. He is a fellow magpie, pockets and shelves full of shiny finds. He plays with puns and poetry. He explains things better than anyone I have ever known. He is fun to be with on a rainy day, on a hike up a mountain in too much sun, in a shopping mall, on a long car ride. He has great ideas. Happy birthday, John. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Greg is getting married on Saturday. We are all still learning our roles in this new family situation. After some trial and error, Tina and I have discovered that talking through the blended children issues is best done by the two of us. We are both able to be direct, to put our vulnerabilities on the table, and just talk. We can do that. Mother to mother to stepmother. My respect for her grows. Our parenting styles are nearly opposite, but she is willing to listen, to remember that my role is vital, that I may be different, but different isn’t wrong. And I’m willing to do the same. She loves my children. She doesn’t always understand them. Well, neither do I. So the future is hard to make out, but it seems as though we are on the right path. Congrats, Greg and Tina. I wish you much joy and fun and love in your life together.
Daniel is living alone for the first time in his life. So I’m compiling some advice to him. Take care of yourself. This means more than just pampering yourself. Make sure you eat healthily. Buy fresh vegetables. Eat them. Clean sometimes. This is not for your guests, although they will appreciate it. This is for you. You deserve a nice environment. Cook a nice dinner for yourself once in a while. Eat it not in front of the computer. Pretend you are trying to impress someone. Make it tasty and beautiful. Don’t forget multivitamins. Enjoy time by yourself, but don’t forget other people -- for their sake and your own. Even hermits need human contact. Fresh air. Fresh air. Fresh air. Do something you love every day. Keep up with world events. Read a newspaper or check cnn every day. Seriously. I’m not sure if the Daily Show counts, but I won’t quibble. Hm. These are pretty good. I should make sure I’m following them all myself.