It should be clear by now that we are marching to our own drumbeat. We are the drummers. At a certain point, you stop worrying about whether you "should" unpack books before spackling or "should" play scrabble when there's insulation still to do. You have to just … march. But there are things that are done in a certain order. You can't bake until you have the correct circuit installed. You can't take a bath without the hot water tank being in. (You could, but ow.) For a while, we did that kind of prioritization. We had to. That's not where we are at this stage. From the beginning, we prioritized keeping warm, preparing food, and a place to work. We have our desks set up now, with some setting up still to do, but the important things: clear surfaces, materials at hand, internet and printers. We can cook or bake, and now we have staples and meats. We have warmth when there is power and a generator coming. ...
Some things just have to be memorized