I've been hanging out with sheep a lot since arriving here in Maine. My sister had thirteen when we arrived; an immediate fourteenth was born, and now there are sixteen. There will be more. They are raised for both fiber and meat.* When I first got here, they were a mass of baaing fuzzy beasts that might knock me down. One time Gloria asked me to check something about Penny. Which one is Penny? The one with the even horns and the darker nose, she said. I looked out at the ten ewes baffled. How would I know which one had even horns out of all those? She was flabbergasted that I didn't even know that only one of the breeds had horns. (Jacobs**.) I used to live in a townhouse, yo. Penny is the one who just had twins. She is wary of me. I have yet to get her to accept a treat from my hand. Beryl is the other new mom. She is also a Jacob. Her baby is Bluebell, and Bluebell is a NUT. She chases c...
Some things just have to be memorized