Back in 2004, I went to Odyssey. Before that, I had had published some genre stories on internet zines (Jackhammer E-Zine was one that bought several of my stories). I wrote a terrible* SF novel that is somewhere in one of the PODs and I should use it as kindling because I will never ever let anyone read it anyway. I wrote another thing that paid me okay, but it is hidden and will never be found. Then I went to Odyssey and relearned what I was doing. Then I took a few years to get through divorce and raising teenagers and life events. I wrote during this time. I like to call this phase my "creepy" phase. I have a stack of creepy stories that are looking for homes. (Anyone? Want some creepy stories?) But I don't think I was ever destined to stick with creepy stories or short projects. I love flash fiction. I love it. But it's not as satisfying to me as what I'm working on now, because I have fallen in love with no...
Some things just have to be memorized