Everybody should be able to babysit a four-month-old niece once in a while. It is good for the soul. (I have a fairly slobbery one, if anyone needs to borrow one.)
Question of the day on ISC (the Scrabble site I play on):
“When you intententionly and consistantly give people terrible letters… no wonder they shout and swear… so play fare and allow unpaying guests to rely on the software without your fingers in the pie… we can all play.”
There are so many things to love about this question. (The long-suffering helper answered something along the lines of “Supporting members get crummy tiles, too – believe me!”)
I love watching the questions and answers. I love watching the chat, too, but nobody else I know seems to enjoy it.
Tonight’s quote: “I’m gonna go now and get ready to go out to eat somewhere and drink some for the veteran befallen in my honor.” Then many chuckles and jokesters and prim and proper folk weigh in on the subject. (Unfortunately no one seems to care about the grammar.)
Who needs TV??
Question of the day on ISC (the Scrabble site I play on):
“When you intententionly and consistantly give people terrible letters… no wonder they shout and swear… so play fare and allow unpaying guests to rely on the software without your fingers in the pie… we can all play.”
There are so many things to love about this question. (The long-suffering helper answered something along the lines of “Supporting members get crummy tiles, too – believe me!”)
I love watching the questions and answers. I love watching the chat, too, but nobody else I know seems to enjoy it.
Tonight’s quote: “I’m gonna go now and get ready to go out to eat somewhere and drink some for the veteran befallen in my honor.” Then many chuckles and jokesters and prim and proper folk weigh in on the subject. (Unfortunately no one seems to care about the grammar.)
Who needs TV??