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Two address changes to note:

After sifting through all the wise advice people gave me regarding the livejournal quandary and so forth (and ponies and kittens), I have decided to just mirror this blog at livejournal. When I feel the need to delve into more scrabble details, I will do this only at the livejournal blog. This will be the only difference between the two.

The community features at livejournal make this worthwhile, in my opinion. (Community features include friends lists, groups, communities.) I’ll back-post starting January 1, probably.

The other address change is less trivial. I am doing something today which I’ve never done before: writing a rent check. Yep, I’m moving down the road about a mile. The cats are staying at the house; the dog is moving to the apartment with me. The kids will continue to base their operations at the house but will be free to come and go at either place. All are doing well.


Anonymous said…

No matter how you go
you will be tracked, your grip
pried away finger by finger,
opened until you are standing
taut, astonished, empty –

Grasping only freedom
perfect to the moment,
yielding anything,

The hunt is tender,
capture almost soft,
that leap that lasts forever
in the evening sunlight
slanting from naked
abandoned sky –

Hunter and prey calling
to the one inevitable
moment, the choice by silence

The only way we know.

Snow falling.
What is there to be done?

You will receive the present,
let it cut you
with its claws, divide
your muscles, reach
around your bones,
clasp them

And pull.

Blessed are the numb.
No. Bring your hands to your face.
Lick them.
Taste the aftershocks.


A salute to brave new beginnings
and the blessings they can bring.
- whome.
listeme said…
Wow, thanks so much, whome. This is wonderful. I am very touched.
Anonymous said…
There aint nothing you cant do. Once you choose, your the most determined and achieving woman I know. Real proud of ya Marsh!

John said…
I think the livejournal idea sounds just right. Any more of a difference between the two, and you'd just be creating a monster. And it would one day ooze down the internet wires and out of your PC and scare the dog.

You better move!

Seriously -- this is a signal event. You know that I wish you -- and the whole family -- only, and always, the very best. You are all very much in my thoughts.

Damn, that poem is a tough act to follow.
listeme said…

We're all hanging in there. The process doesn't begin and end on Saturday, of course. We all have things to digest and mull and respond to.

And boxes and boxes of assorted papers and books and STUFF to carry.

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