Cue soundtrack from Sound of Music…
These are a few of my favorite things this week:
Half-price Easter candy on Monday.
Sunshine-y walks with Curie around the “lake” (it’s a man-made pond/puddle, but it is big enough for geese and ducks, which are very entertaining for Curie.)
Finding my favorite pair of socks which I’d thought were lost. They were tucked into the last duffel bag from Odyssey. This was not the best find in the duffel bag, but it was a nice surprise.
Discovering the notes I’d taken during Odyssey are not as full of drivel as I’d feared.
Playing half-decently at club on Tuesday.
Finding a bunch of stories that Daniel wrote in first and second grade. (The first was called Apple Story, and it is riveting.)
Raindrops on roses…
These are a few of my favorite things this week:
Half-price Easter candy on Monday.
Sunshine-y walks with Curie around the “lake” (it’s a man-made pond/puddle, but it is big enough for geese and ducks, which are very entertaining for Curie.)
Finding my favorite pair of socks which I’d thought were lost. They were tucked into the last duffel bag from Odyssey. This was not the best find in the duffel bag, but it was a nice surprise.
Discovering the notes I’d taken during Odyssey are not as full of drivel as I’d feared.
Playing half-decently at club on Tuesday.
Finding a bunch of stories that Daniel wrote in first and second grade. (The first was called Apple Story, and it is riveting.)
Raindrops on roses…
explain avacados? why are they bueno to you?
and i agree without a doubt on the easter candy thing, what could be better than 85 cents for 2 king sized candy bars at 7-11?