Confessions of various inadequacies: I’m afraid of bees. (Afraid enough that I always vaguely worried about driving the convertible; would I panic if one “attacked” me while I drove and swerve off the road?) I’ve never parallel parked, not the correct, official way. The driving test did not require it. Bookstores are sucking creatures that settle on my neck and shoulder and draw out my blood and money. I like the Dairy Queen strawberry shortcake blizzard. Sorry. My dog gets away with stuff she shouldn’t because I think she’s adorable. “Now, Curie, you shouldn’t eat someone’s shoe… but, awww, sweetie, come here. You want that shoe? They won’t mind giving it to such a cute little girl!” Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but not much of one. I prefer the sheets untucked at the foot of the bed. If they’re tucked, I untuck them before getting in. Feet should be able to move in the night. You know, so you can run away from dream monsters. I write down my middle-of-the-night musings an...