What should I pack in my evacuation kit? Assuming a disaster would allow me to pack my car, I have room for the animals.
A duffle bag could hold:
First aid kit (I keep a pretty decent one in the car anyway)
Cash (paper and coin)
Power bars and other concentrated food
Animal food (check on concentrated forms)
Cell phone and charger
Change of clothes
I’m trying to keep the above bag carryable. Not sure if that is feasible when dealing with animals. I will think about the animal plan. I generally keep a 24 pack of liters of water in the back of the car, which is not very carryable, either.
With a little more time and space:
Photo album
Laptop (with manuscripts)
(Actually this should just be a backup on CD, I guess)
I like to be prepared.
A duffle bag could hold:
First aid kit (I keep a pretty decent one in the car anyway)
Cash (paper and coin)
Power bars and other concentrated food
Animal food (check on concentrated forms)
Cell phone and charger
Change of clothes
I’m trying to keep the above bag carryable. Not sure if that is feasible when dealing with animals. I will think about the animal plan. I generally keep a 24 pack of liters of water in the back of the car, which is not very carryable, either.
With a little more time and space:
Photo album
Laptop (with manuscripts)
(Actually this should just be a backup on CD, I guess)
I like to be prepared.
How about:
a multiband radio
small toolkit
... more as we think of it.
baling twine
believe it or not diapers, any size, for the first aid kit. excellent fastenable wound wraps.
paper and pens
bug repellent
water purification tablets