Ahhhhh. I have a few days off. Of course, instead of doing all the things I've been telling myself I'll do "when I have time" – hahaha! – I'm goofing around. I've caught up on my forums for the past few days, done a little bit of housework, played with the wonderful Sophie (aged 3 months), and I'm thinking about taking a nice long walk. (There's a nearby national park with great trails.)
Recommended reading:
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Susanna Clarke
From the back cover: I was fascinated by the mixture of historical realism and utterly fascinating events: I almost began to believe that there really was a tradition of 'English magic' that I had not heard about. It's an astonishing achievement. I can't think of anything that is remotely like it.
I can't say it any better than that.
Warning: There aren't many car chases or bombs or computers… it takes place in the 1800s, and it's written in omniscient voice (opinionated omniscient at that.) I love this book so far.
The Ancestor's Tale, Richard Dawkins
What can I say? He's great. The inside cover flap calls him a "renowned biologist and thinker."
Someday I would like to be referred to as a "thinker."
Recommended reading:
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Susanna Clarke
From the back cover: I was fascinated by the mixture of historical realism and utterly fascinating events: I almost began to believe that there really was a tradition of 'English magic' that I had not heard about. It's an astonishing achievement. I can't think of anything that is remotely like it.
I can't say it any better than that.
Warning: There aren't many car chases or bombs or computers… it takes place in the 1800s, and it's written in omniscient voice (opinionated omniscient at that.) I love this book so far.
The Ancestor's Tale, Richard Dawkins
What can I say? He's great. The inside cover flap calls him a "renowned biologist and thinker."
Someday I would like to be referred to as a "thinker."