Once upon a time, there was this baby girl who chased after bees and escaped into the yard more times than I could count, who followed her brothers into trouble and then told on them, who hated the word ‘cute’ and insisted on cutting her own bangs – off. Somewhere along the way, that baby girl turned into this young lady who still escapes when I’m not watching and wears the weirdest getups I have ever seen, who dyes her hair purple (or blue?), just a few streaks, and fiercely defends her opinions and her friends. She’s awesome.
Happy birthday, Em. The world may not be ready for you yet, but it sure needs you.
Happy birthday, Em. The world may not be ready for you yet, but it sure needs you.
Ps: Your blog ID reminds me of my Goddaughter Emma. "Listenme Sami, listeme".
[/random tidbit for you].