Some paths we take run parallel to other paths. We don’t have to sell a house to change jobs, necessarily. We don’t have to give up a dog to have a child. We don’t have to throw away one book just because we’re reading another. Other paths we take do narrow our choices. (Some broaden them.) Some paths require burning bridges behind us. Others don’t. (Lots of times the best paths do, though… a resolute commitment to go ahead and not look back.)
This was in the mail:
Life’s Too Short To Clean Your Own House.
A lovely brochure, featuring a lovely couple, with two lovely blond children, sitting in a lovely family room. The dad is reading a book with one of the daughters. The mom is laughing over a laptop with the other daughter. A pretty picture.
Short answer portion of the quiz:
1. Why did the advertising folks choose to put two girls in the picture instead of a girl and a boy?
2. Why did they choose to have the mom pose with the laptop?
3. Who cleans the housecleaners’ houses?
Bonus question: are the perky college students pictured on the inside of the brochure real housecleaners or just models?