Thursday, February 17, 2005

I’m starting to get my act together here. The pile of boxes slowly retreats under my fierce gaze (although I’m still adding boxes to the pile, which doesn’t help. I think the poor pile is getting mixed messages. “Does she want us to shrink or NOT?”)

It is weird to live alone.

Five days into this, so far everyone is surviving. One missed bus. A few miscommunications. The calendar is nowhere near functional yet. But we are all okay. The kids think the apartment is cool.

I suspect that the novelty will wear off soon. Some snarling and grumpiness will happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in a house with three other people, and yet I sometimes wonder if I'm actually living alone. The novelty will wear off, and you'll continue life normally.

Trust me, I've seen enough of your household and family, snarling is juts part of the everyday life.