Attention Senior Parent(s): Finally your time has come. Tell your child how much they mean to you and wish them well as they leave the nest and move into a successful future. The end of a student's high school career is an important milestone in one's life, so give your senior a source of encouragement that they will look back on for years to come.
Okay, forget the fact that this seems to have been written by a 12-year-old. It's an ad for… senior ads. I can, according to the ad, send in up to ten photos with 150 words about my son. They will "artfully arrange" my photos and thoughts and publish them in the high school yearbook. (Forgive me if I'm suddenly thinking nasty thoughts about the whole Creative Memories movement. I am visualizing clip art of diaper pins and footballs.) Mostly I'm thinking that Aaron would never forgive me if I did such a thing. So, I won't.
Okay, forget the fact that this seems to have been written by a 12-year-old. It's an ad for… senior ads. I can, according to the ad, send in up to ten photos with 150 words about my son. They will "artfully arrange" my photos and thoughts and publish them in the high school yearbook. (Forgive me if I'm suddenly thinking nasty thoughts about the whole Creative Memories movement. I am visualizing clip art of diaper pins and footballs.) Mostly I'm thinking that Aaron would never forgive me if I did such a thing. So, I won't.
In Jamie's case, I actually DID forget and miss the deadline. She was a little hurt. Oh well.
Speaking of clip art, the story around my OWN high school yearbook is even more dramatic. But I have to get back to work now :-)