The other thing that is not going all that well (which implies there are only two, and of course that's just silly) is my writing. I'm not feeling that itch. Usually there is a deep hunger when I am not writing much, a hunger that is only assuaged, of course, by writing. At Odyssey we were all warned that this might happen. That we might not feel like getting back to writing for a while. Units of time were suggested, jokingly I thought. A few months. Up to a year! Well, surely, that wouldn't apply to me. I have to write. Right?
So I'm following some of the suggestions that were given to us. I'm filling my mind with ideas. Researching and reading outside the genre, journaling (and blogging, I suppose), exercising, talking with old friends. I keep having these flickering ideas, which I'm kind of automatically jotting down. I'm taking heart from the busy discussion boards of previous Odyssey years. Obviously everyone eventually gets back to writing.
A picture from last month's trip to Maine:
My niece, adding her own mark to the post at the cabin.
So I'm following some of the suggestions that were given to us. I'm filling my mind with ideas. Researching and reading outside the genre, journaling (and blogging, I suppose), exercising, talking with old friends. I keep having these flickering ideas, which I'm kind of automatically jotting down. I'm taking heart from the busy discussion boards of previous Odyssey years. Obviously everyone eventually gets back to writing.
A picture from last month's trip to Maine:
My niece, adding her own mark to the post at the cabin.