Monday, October 24, 2005

Sometimes life is exhausting. Even when it is good, it is exhausting.

Some new additions: a super-duper mega-great zoom lens for my camera. I’m thinking of taking photography classes. You know, in my spare time.



Zinnia said...

i want a super duper mega great lens. pout. i am also exhausted. my legs hurt.


Zinnia said...

wait a second if that was megazoom, how far away WERE you? a mile? two?


Unknown said...

Mega-great, not mega-zoom.

But I wasn't very close!

John said...

Noooo, you shouldn't get too close when photographing toothsome beasties in the wild! The ferocious cat, driven half-mad with hunger and an unnatural craving for plastic straws, lies poised in a deceptively submissive posture, ready to strike a vicious upcurving blow with its raptor-like talons; but the feral canine is older and wise, and drawing on generations of tribal lore embedded deep in its DNA, stands its ground with alert insouciance, confident that its reflexes will respond when called upon to evade and counterparry, and eventually triumph until, bloodied but unbowed, it might carry the limp feline carcass as a gift to the great king and queen basenji.... No, better not get too close!


Zinnia said...

mwahahaha. just wanted to say,

Zinnia said...

you know, now that I have a very innocent, very plain little domestic barn kitten, yours looks positively dangerous in comparison. my kitten is milktoast and yours is that chick from alias when she wears leather and cuts people's fingers off to get them to talk.
