Required reading for all parents: Calvin & Hobbes. Read. It. Read all of them, every collection. You will be a much better parent. A better person, too.
True confession time again (is it Thursday already??). I've fallen behind on the clarinet schedule I'd given myself. I will not give up, though. I need to find some decent jazz studies. My studies are all classical, which is great and lovely and all that, but … I need jazz. On my way to club on Sunday afternoon, I was listening to a 17-year-old saxophone player on the radio. I was inspired and jealous. So I'm back to working on my poor old tired fingers.
True confession time again (is it Thursday already??). I've fallen behind on the clarinet schedule I'd given myself. I will not give up, though. I need to find some decent jazz studies. My studies are all classical, which is great and lovely and all that, but … I need jazz. On my way to club on Sunday afternoon, I was listening to a 17-year-old saxophone player on the radio. I was inspired and jealous. So I'm back to working on my poor old tired fingers.