Monday, September 27, 2004

Good surprises, bad surprises

Good: Some joker changed the GPS system in my car so that distances are given in kilometers now. (I'm thinking it was probably Em, since she often switches it to French, as well.) So I went to Scrabble club yesterday (18 kilometers away) using the metric system. I'm not going to change it back. It's about time I went metric wholeheartedly.

Horrifying: The thin grocery bags that come in so handy on dog walks sometimes have invisible holes.

Heart attack: I was weeding/pruning my daylilies (giving them one last chance before chopping them down), and lurking, waiting…

Very good: Then at Scrabble club, which ended up being three people, myself included, I met a player who also writes science fiction. In fact, she's a Clarion graduate (Clarion is similar to Odyssey). I gave her a ride home after club and we chatted about people in the field. It was great to hang out with someone who knows what Odyssey is like and who also plays tournament Scrabble!


Everlilly said...

That's a gorgeous photograph. . he looks very grumpy, though. "Grarrrr! I will eat you and your pet dog, too!" .. that kinda angry.

Unknown said...

Thanks! While I was fiddling with the camera, he slowly swiveled his head to watch me. I'm positive he considered challenging me to a duel or at least chomping on my finger. That guy is a killing machine.

John said...

I think I know what the mantis is thinking.

It is thinking, "Oh, geez. She found out I switched her GPS to metric."

Unknown said...

Stats: Some of us live life; some of us take pictures.

Besides, you know you'd run away from a scary bug. Wait, do you have bugs up there in the tundra?

(Glad to see you :-) )